Larry Wilson, is a partner of Levels and was there at the beginning—literally helping to rip off the old plastered walls to exposed the brick, and put in the wood floors that would come to represent the Levels aesthetic at the Levels-125th shop and beyond. Larry and fellow partner Kamal Nuru have been working together for almost thirty years, carefully shaping the Levels franchise and distinguishing Levels from all the other barbershops in New York City. Larry prides himself in giving his clients a calm and collected, laid back, kind of experience, one in which both he and his clients feel open to talk about anything. As such, he boasts a clientele ranging from local folk to celebrities that have been going to Larry for years. He is the premier Levels athlete and is a sports guy. He specializes in conservative cuts, afros, and tapers. See Larry's Video
DeNorval Parks, AKA Six, The Book of Knowledge, the Six-million Dollar Barber forms the soul of the Levels triumvirate along with Kamal Nuru and Larry Wilson. A Desert Storm veteran who was hit by a car when he was twenty-two, he would eventually come to lose his two legs as a result of the complications that arose from that accident. However, Six is so much more than a double-amputee: he is a true tonsorial artist capable of standing on his two prosthetics longer than most on their natural legs. He approaches barbering with the belief that the barbering experience is a spiritual experience where two people come together and share of themselves. He listens, he dishes out advice, he strives to be whatever you need him to be. Six has been barbering for over eighteen years and brings to the profession a curiosity, both for the profession and for life. (Just ask him about apple cider vinegar.) DeNorval has invested his life into Levels and the profession and is, “the driving force behind all the fly shit.” See Six's Video